X-Rated Love Hearts Candy Review

I’m a mad sweet tooth junky and love a naughty twist to things. When I came across the X-rated love hearts candy (44g) on Ododi from their edible treats range, I just had to purchase them!


Putting a kinky twist onto the famous candy love hearts and taste just as sweet, what more could you want?I

I left a few dotted around for hubby to casually find, unfortunately his brain didn’t kick in to read the hearts and continued to munch on them (who said romance was dead, huh?), until I poked his arm and demanded that he read them. After a few seconds, the joke kicked in and he chuckled to himself.

The candy hearts aren’t exactly like the main stream ones, they have a harder shell to them and come in assorted flavours. Each candy has a different phrase on it, such as “Beg 4 me”, “cute butt”, “strip 4 me”, “eat me”, “nice boobs”, “Hot 4 u”, “screw me” and many more.

OK, so not very romantic but they are a novelty and very yummy and for the price of £3.49 GBP, they are a cute treat to hide for your partner, be it valentines day or a birthday.