Sasi Vibrator Review

The Sasi Vibrator is truly a revolution in vibratory technology. Why, you ask? Because of all the thousands of buzzy bits of plastic on the market today, SaSi is the only one that learns what you like.

But we’ll get to that in just a bit.

SaSi arrives in a towering two-layer black box wrapped in plastic. One layer of the box holds the toy’s charger (yes, it’s rechargeable!) while the other holds the toy itself.

SaSi comes with multiple international adapters so that it can be recharged all around the world without the need to buy anything extra. Charging completes in approximately 45 minutes; the toy will hold a charge for two weeks on standby or during approximately 75 minutes of playtime. A tiny cover on the toy’s top flips up to accept the power cord. This is a great feature, as it prevents lube and juices from entering the product.

Sasi has a multitude of other great features. The keypad can be locked to prevent accidental turn-ons during transport. The toy boasts a one-year warranty against manufacturer’s defects. It can be cleaned very simply with a damp cloth and soap; the included manual provides directions for removing the cover for a more thorough cleaning. Stick with only water-based lube, as silicone lube will damage the toy’s cover.

At about the size and shape of an ergonomic computer mouse, SaSi looks little like your average sex toy. A small control pad on the top allows you to cycle through the toy’s vibrating and massaging patterns, while a rolling knob beneath the toy provides the toy’s tongue-like stroking capabilities.

You can choose one of ten-plus possible movements, which range from semi-circular to diagonal to back-and-forth strokes. The toy will not stroke in a complete circle. Holding down a button will cause the strokes to speed up; continuing to hold down this button will start this amazing little sex toy cycling through six patterns of vibration.

Gentle massage and vibrations

If you find a stroking pattern you hate, you can skip right past it with a button push. When you find one that you love, push another button to keep the sex toy on that movement until you tell it otherwise. When next you use SaSi it will have remembered which movements you most preferred and present you with more of those movement. Just like (in theory) a good partner would do.

All of this sounds really wonderful, and in practice clitoral vibrator works exactly as advertised. The massaging ball felt to me like a very gentle fingertip or tongue, and when I took the cover off the toy I could see why. I ball-bearing lives back there in a cup-like housing; it’s free to rotate around in its housing as the whole assembly moves.

But here’s the problem: pressing too hard on the ball (whether with the cover off or on) causes the ball assembly to freeze. I’m sure the designers were concerned about burning out the motor with over-enthusiastic pressure, or perhaps they worried that someone would remove the cover and get their bits and pieces caught in the assembly.

Unfortunately, I like harder sensations than what SaSi could provide. I enjoyed the gentle massage and vibrations, but it took me a long time to have even the most placid orgasm with SaSi. If your tastes run to the hard, the pounding, the wild or the extreme, SaSi is not the right toy for you. There are plenty of other hard-pounding toys on the market. Choose one of them.

For everyone else, SaSi provides a uniquely customizable sensation that is different from anything else on the market. Someone who loves it gentle, calm and mild will be the best owner of the SaSi.

Beginners Guide to Vibrators