Transgender HIV Testing: Why it Matters

Despite some recent innovations in the arsenal against HIV, such as PEP and PrEP, the virus remains a formidable threat, even in the United States. Monitoring the virus globally is essential for identifying intervention priorities, assessing public health care needs, and evaluating the impact of prevention programming. Yet those most vulnerable to contracting the virus […]

Male Circumcision & STI Prevention: A Link?

Last week, researchers from Johns Hopkins University and Makerere University working in Uganda released a new study about male circumcision and sexually transmitted infection transmission. Specifically, the study showed that there was a decreased risk of getting HPV and herpes if the male was circumcised. Studies about male circumcision and STI prevention have gone back […]

The O-Shot: New Procedure Proposes to Fix your ‘Faulty Vagina’

A recent press release touts a new vaginal injection known as the “O-Shot.” Because women’s bodies are apparently insufficient without surgery. The procedure, which uses growth factors derived from “a woman’s own blood,” appears to be the spiritual offspring of the “Vampire Facelift” (also pioneered by a member of the O-Shot team) and the G-Shot […]

Women’s Sexual Response: Mapped Out on the Brain

An incredibly interesting study has recently been published by Dr. Barry Komisaruk and colleagues in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The paper, titled “Women’s clitoris, vagina, and cervix mapped out on the sensory cortex: fMRI evidence”, sought to elucidate the neural systems under women’s sexual response using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This is the […]

Q & A: Shouldn’t There Should Be Blood With First Intercourse?

QUESTION: I had my first intercourse and I didn’t bleed. I know this is sometimes caused by sports or self-fingering, or by being fingered by a partner — but my problem is, I have never fingered myself or let other people finger me, and I barely do any sports. Maybe I’m simply born with a […]

So-Called “Desire Drug” Filbanserin Considered for FDA Approval

This Friday June 18, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be considering an application from Boehringer Ingelheim (B-I), a pharmaceutical company, for its drug filbanserin. What’s flibanserin? It’s a drug that B-I first developed as an anti-depressant but when it didn’t work as one, they explored other uses for it. Some time later, […]