Q&A: Should I Have Anal Sex Without A Condom?

QUESTION: How unsafe is anal sex without a condom? Are there any ways to do this without a condom to make it safe? Does doing it once or twice put you in serious danger? It’s not that anal sex per se is a dangerous activity. Reducing STI Risk Rather, it’s that unprotected anal sex—meaning anal […]

Q&A: My Husband Has Gonorrhea—Did He Cheat?

QUESTION: I’ve been married for five years. My husband and I were both virgins when we got married, and we never had sex with anyone else after that. A week ago, he tested positive for gonorrhea. Is gonorrhea only transmitted by sexual activity? Did my husband cheat on me? Transmitting STI’s I am sorry to […]

Necking, Petting And Hot Petting: Surveying Sex In The 1930′s

American college campuses in the 1930’s were sites of social and cultural change, and many outside observers were interested in what students were thinking, feeling, and doing. Some began asking students intimate questions about their personal lives. The Indiana University biology professor Alfred Kinsey, who would later publish the Kinsey Reports in 1948 and 1953, […]

Gender & Sexual Orientation

Gender vs. Sex People often use the terms gender and sex interchangeably when talking about a person being male or female. However, the terms are very different and apply to different aspects of a person’s identity. Sex refers to the biological differences between people (chromosomes, hormonal profiles, or internal and external sex organs). Gender refers […]

Q&A: Epididymitis – Symptoms and Treatment

QUESTION: My boyfriend was just diagnosed with epididymitis yesterday; however the doctor didn’t mention anything about staying away from sex, using protection from now on or whether or not I can get infected and pass it back to him. We have been having unprotected anal, oral & vaginal sex for a little over a year […]

Q&A: Can I Share A Sex Toy With My Partner?

QUESTION: I’ve read there’s a risk of STIs when sharing toys during lesbian sex. But what if neither partner has an STI—can we share toys? If both partners are in a truly monogamous relationship, and both have tested negative for all STIs, then is there still risk? If fluids have been exchanged through oral sex […]